Many animals orient to odor sources in aquatic habitats where differen
t flows and substrates affect the hydrodynamics of benthic boundary la
yers. Since the dispersal of chemicals is due to the fluid mechanics o
f a particular environment, we quantified the changes in the fine stru
cture of an odor plume under different hydrodynamic conditions in the
benthic boundary layer of a laboratory flume, We sampled turbulent odo
r plumes at 10 Hz using a microchemical sensor (150 mum diameter) unde
r two flow speeds: 3.8 and 14.4 cm/sec, and at 1, 8, 50 mm above the s
ubstrate. These distances above the substrate occur within different f
low regions of the boundary layer and correlate with the location of c
rustacean chemosensory appendages within boundary layer flows. The hig
h flow velocity exhibited a greater level of turbulence and had more d
iscrete odor pulses than the low flow velocity. In general, odor signa
ls showed a high level of temporal variation in fast flow at heights 1
and 8 mm above the substrate. In slow flow, temporal variation was ma
ximal at 50 mm above the substrate, exhibiting more variance than the
same height at the fast flow. These patterns of odor signals resulted
in part from differences in the height above the substrate of the main
axis of the odor plume at the two flow speeds. Our results imply that
animals chemically orienting to an odor source will need to compensat
e for varying hydrodynamic properties of odor transport and dispersal.
The method by which animals extract spatial information from odor plu
mes will need to account for changing flow conditions, or else it will
not be equally efficient in extracting information about chemical spa
tial distributions.