A 59 yr old man presented with headaches and was shown to have a poste
rior fossa tumor arising from the inferior surface of the tentorium ce
rebelli. At operation the tumor was discrete from the cerebellum and w
as thought to be a meningioma. Pathological examination showed the tum
or had features similar to those of a meningioma. It consisted of inte
rlacing bundles of spindle cells with a considerable amount of connect
ive tissue. Some mitoses were present. The tumor cells, however, showe
d abundant staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein indicating the
ir astrocytic nature. The tumor was diagnosed as astrocytoma Grade 2.
The tumor 'recurred' 4 mths later and a second surgical removal was at
tempted. Pathological examination showed features similar to those in
the first operative specimen but this time invasion of the cerebellum
was present. Deep x-ray treatment (D.X.R.T.) did not alter the tumor g
rowth which proved fatal 7 mths after presentation. The differential d
iagnosis of an apparently meningeal-based tumor includes the rare enti
ty of primary meningeal glioma. The case is presented as an example of
this rare entity which both clinically and pathologically may be mist
aken for a meningioma. The prognosis of intracranial solitary primary
leptomeningeal gliomas is variable with recurrence and survival being
months to years.