In a modular high temperature reactor (HTR) the ceramic reflector surr
ounding the core is completely enclosed by metallic core internals. Th
ese comprise the cylindrical core barrel, the bottom structure support
ing the ceramic internals, and the top thermal shield which locates th
e ceramic internals in the axial direction and provides a shield betwe
en the top head of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and the core. Rad
ial location of the ceramic internals is provided by supports installe
d over the entire height of the core barrel and arranged according to
the column-type design of the ceramic reflector. The nozzle for attach
ment of the hot gas duct is located below the core to the side of the
hot gas plenum. This nozzle is connected to both the core barrel and t
he ceramic internals. Part of the nozzle is therefore made of graphite
. Loads from the metallic as well as the ceramic internals are transmi
tted to the bottom head of the RPV. It is here that the core barrel is
supported, thus allowing it to undergo axial thermal expansion in the
upward direction. The barrel is sealed off at the top in order to per
mit access to the RPV top head for maintenance purposes when the react
or has been shut down. A system of expansion joints located above the
top thermal shield provides a seal between the core barrel and the RPV