The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response a
nd Go-operation, 1990 (OPRC Convention, 1990) came into force on 13 Ma
y 1995. The main objectives of the OPRC Convention are to facilitate i
nternational co-operation and mutual assistance in preparing for and r
esponding to a marine pollution incident and to encourage states to de
velop and maintain adequate capability to deal credibly with oh pollut
ion emergiencies. The paper outlines and describes in some detail the
strategy adopted by IMO in the implementation of the OPRC Convention,
the mechanisms established to address/discuss issues of mutual concern
amongst the member states of IMO and the oil industry, and the variou
s activities undertaken by IMO in co-operation with relevant sister UN
organizations and the oh industry to assist countries requiring assis
tance including the mobilization/provision of technical assistance to
countries on an individual basis. It is apparent that IMO's role as a
provider of technical advice and delivery of project assistance, as a
co-ordinator for the mobilization of international assistance to major
marine pollution incidents upon the request of countries in need, as
a Forum for discussion/overseeing the implementation of the OPRC Conve
ntion (through tbe meetings of the OPRC Working Group) including the d
evelopment of marine pollution preparedness and response training prog
rammes is set to become more important given its pro-active approach t
o promoting oil spill preparedness in co-operation with industry and g
overnments. Copyright (C) 1996 International Organization.