Our previous work has shown an early development of behavioral reflexe
s in the offspring of rats maintained on diets containing a lipid frac
tion extracted from yeast (Candida lypolitica) grown on n-alkanes duri
ng pregnancy and throughout lactation. Since some of these changes cou
ld be linked to an early myelination, in this study we investigated my
elin maturation in the rat brain by immunohistochemistry. At 7 days th
e test groups showed considerable immunopositivity to myelin basic pro
tein and proteolipid protein at a more rostral level, such as the corp
us callosum where immunopositivity is usually detected later in brain
development. At 7 days in controls, staining fibers were detected only
in the lower brainstem and in the cerebellum. Immunopositivity in the
same regions was more intense in the test groups. Some litters were f
ostered at birth to produce 2 groups of animals: pups whose mothers we
re fed a control diet prenatally and the test diet postnatally, and vi
ce versa. Positive fibers are already present at 7 days in the telence
phalon area in both groups. These data indicate that dietary lipids ca
n interfere with brain development by accelerating myelinogenesis.