We report the first chromosomal assignment in the cotton genus, Gossyp
ium, of a biochemical marker locus, specifically Phosphoglucomutase7 (
Pgm7). Isozyme polymorphism was detected between the inbreds TM-1 (G.
hirsutum L.) and Pima 3-79 (G. barbadense L.). Analyses of these paren
ts, their F-1 hybrid, and segregating F-2 and testcross progenies indi
cated that Pgm7 determines the most cathodal phosphoglucomutase (PGM)
isozyme bands and that the PGM isozymes are monomeric. Segregation ana
lyses of self-progenies of monosomic BCnF1 interspecific hybrids and c
hromosome substitution lines indicated that the Pgm7 locus is located
in chromosome 12. Self-progenies from monotelodisomic (Te12Lo) F-1 int
erspecific hybrids that were hemizygous for the short arm of chromosom
e 12 segregated parental Pgm7 alleles, indicating that the Pgm7 locus
is located in the long arm of chromosome 12. Testcrosses of the same m
onotelodisomic as male parent segregated in a normal Mendelian fashion
, indicating that the locus is 50 cM or more from the centromere in th
e long arm of chromosome 12. The Pgm7 alleles of TM-1 and Pima 3-79 ar
e probably identical to alleles Pgm7-2 and Pgm7-4, which have been des
cribed in the biosystematic literature.