Forty-two patients at three institutions were compared with control su
bjects with regard to the prevalence of risk factors for herpes simple
x-induced keratitis (HSK) that have been postulated in the literature.
The patients' average age was 46.3 years; their average age at the fi
rst episode of HSK was 41.7 years. Seventy-five percent of the patient
s had recurrent HSK. The infection was bilateral in 11.76 % of the pat
ients. There was no seasonal variation in the onset of HSK. Furthermor
e, there was no statistical association between HSK and male sex, atop
y, corticosteroid use, intraocular trauma, contact lens wear, or herpe
s labialis infection. This pilot study raises issues regarding the des
ign of future investigations of the epidemiology of this infection.