We have investigated the presence of c-Myc-like antigens in the enteri
c nervous system of the guinea-pig, rat, dog, sheep, monkey and human,
c-Myc-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry
in the enteric nervous system of all animals tested, with one or more
monoclonal antibodies raised against peptide sequences found in the hu
man c-Myc protein. While in most cases the labelling was nuclear, cyto
plasmic labelling was also observed. In the guinea-pig enteric nervous
system, c-Myc-like immunoreactivity detected by two different antibod
ies remained detectable for up to 4 h in the presence of cycloheximide
. The size and density of labelled nuclei in the ileal submucous plexu
s were consistent with exclusive neuronal labelling by one antibody an
d neuronal plus glial labelling by the other. Double-labelling with an
tiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal peptide revealed a subs
et of c-Myc-immunoreactive neurons that also contain this neuropeptide
. Anti-c-Mye antibodies specifically immunoprecipitated proteins from
guinea-pig myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle preparations whose siz
es were consistent with previous observations for c-Myc antigens and w
hose distribution was consistent with synthesis in the myenteric plexu
s. We conclude that c-Myc proteins are expressed in mammalian enteric
neurons and that they have characteristics similar to those of c-Myc p
roteins in other nonproliferative cells.