We present a repeated-measures split-plot analysis of variance (ANOVA)
design that can be used to analyze fisheries data collected throughou
t time from fixed sampling stations. A high percentage (97%) of author
s who published papers in the Transactions of the American Fisheries S
ociety and the North American Journal of Fisheries Management during t
he past 10 years did not use repeated-measures ANOVA for analyzing the
ir data when this technique was appropriate. When data are collected f
rom fixed stations throughout time, the assumption that independent sa
mples are randomly collected from the population is violated for simpl
e ANOVA. Fixed stations may display population characteristics specifi
c to that location, and environmental change or a management practice
may influence stations differently. In addition, multiple measurements
collected at a fixed station throughout time will likely be correlate
d. For a dependent variable of interest, a repeated-measures split-plo
t design will partition the variation due to (1) a treatment or manipu
lation, (2) sampling stations, (3) the temporal correlation that may o
ccur among repeated measurements, and (4) the potential interactions a
mong these class variables. This statistical approach will provide inc
reased accuracy and likely provide investigators with new insights on
the responses of fish populations to these variables.