We describe a system for the culture of 1-cell rat embryos through to
the blastocyst stage, using co-culture on specific feeder cell layers
and particular defined media. We show that the use of rat uterine epit
helial cells as a feeder layer, together with either M16M, CZB or HECM
-1 media at 38.5 degrees C can improve the in vitro development of cul
tured rat embryos. There was considerable variation in the culture con
ditions, which were optimal for each strain of rat tested. We show tha
t the 4 to 8-cell embryos are viable after reimplantation and that the
second 4 to 8-cell block in the rat can be overcome using HECM-1 in a
co-culture system, thus enabling the in vitro culture of rat embryos
up to the blastocyst stage.