Sericulture-based agroforestry systems (AFS) have great potential for
higher returns in the north-eastern region with sloping and valley-lan
d conditions. A field investigation was initiated in November, 1992 at
Research Farm, Barapani (980 m above msl, 26 degrees N and 92 degrees
E and average rainfall 2428 mm/year) on acid Alfisol. Seven mulberry
(Morus alba L.) varieties, seven silkworm breeds and rearing performan
ce of a bivoltine breed, NB-18 were evaluated in different trials. Thr
ee sericulture-based AFS viz. sericulture with 1. fruit trees and fodd
er grasses, 2. field (upland) crops, and 3. lowland rice were develope
d at the Research Farm. Mulberry varieties TR-4, S-1635 and TR-10, and
NB-18 - a bivoltine silkworm breed were found better suited for this
region. Sericulture with field crops (French bean-groundnut-mustard/ve
getables) for valley land, with fruit plants (guava, pineapple) and gr
asses for mid-hill situations, and with rice for low lands were found
suitable at the Farm and for possible adoption in the northeastern hil
l region of India.