Hyponatremia, an electrolyte disturbance usually without clinical sign
ificance, may sometimes lead to serious complications when overlooked
or not treated appropriately. One cause of hyponatremia, the syndrome
of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion, has been asso
ciated with some drugs, including car bamazepine (CBZ). Because of its
antidiuretic effects, CBZ has been used successfully to treat diabete
s insipidus centralis. Possible mechanisms for the antidiuretic effect
s of CBZ have been proposed. Altered sensitivity to serum osmolality b
y the hypothalamic osmoreceptors appears likely, but an increased sens
itivity of the renal tubules to circulating ADH cannot be excluded. CB
Z has led to hyponatremia in patients with epilepsy, neuralgia, mental
retardation, and psychiatric disorders with a frequency varying from
4.8 to 40%. Oxcarbazepine (OCBZ), which is structurally related to CBZ
, has shown similar hyponatremic effects, but whether hyponatremia occ
urs more often than with CBZ is not yet clear. Experience with OCBZ is
still limited, and there is no definite explanation for a possible di
fference in antidiuretic potency. Most patients with CBZ/OCBZ-induced
hyponatremia are asymptomatic. In rare cases, water intoxication has b
een reported, necessitating treatment discontinuation.