NERVE growth factor (NGF) injected into the otherwise unlesioned adult
rat septum induced sprouting of presumptive cholinergic fibres positi
ve for p75(NGFR) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). These fibres did not
stain for tyrosine hydroxylase and therefore did not represent sympat
hetic ingrowth. Neurofilament staining on adjacent sections revealed f
ibres with similar morphology, suggesting new outgrowth in the form of
sprouting rather than the upregulation of p75(NGFR) and AChE in pre-e
xisting fibres. Simultaneous injections of subneurotoxic doses of N-me
thyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) significantly potentiated the effect of NGF on
cholinergic fibre sprouting and caused pronounced glial fibrillary ac
idic protein (GFAP)positive astrocytosis. Application of NMDA alone di
d not elicit sprouting of this type. These findings indicate that NGF
can induce the sprouting of uninjured adult rat septal cholinergic fib
res in vivo and suggest that reactive astrocytes are not inhibitory to
cholinergic axonal outgrowth, and might serve as a substrate for grow
ing axons in the presence of NGF.