Uh. Winkler, APC-RESISTANCE, ANTITHROMBIN-III-DEFICIEN CY AND PROTEIN-C-DEFICIENCYOR S-DEFICIENCY, Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 57(1), 1997, pp. 7-14
Assessment of Risk of Thrombosis in Pill Users:/sensitivity, specifici
ty and predictive values of potential screening tests for the predicti
on of thromboembolic complications in pill users were calculated for t
he 6 million German pill users. In spite of high specificities, the pr
edictive values of a positive family history, an antithrombin III-, pr
otein C- or protein S-deficiency or resistance to activated protein C
(APC) are low due to the very low absolute risk of thrombosis among pi
ll users. More than half of the 840 yearly cases would pass the screen
ing protocol undetected. A two-step screening protocol is suggested us
ing the family history as selection criterium (reducing the need for l
aboratory screening by 85%) for laboratory investigation of APC sensit
ivity and antithrombin III-, protein C- and protein S-deficiency. Geno
typing for factor V Leiden mutation is useful in cases with equivocal
APC sensitivities or to confirm a homozygous genotype.