Rc. Muller et al., POSTPARTUM FACTOR-VIIIC INHIBITOR - MANAG EMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING BLEEDING, Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 57(1), 1997, pp. 15-17
After a Caesarean section due to placenta praevia in the 37(th) G. W.,
a 27-year-old lllP lllG suffered from life-threatening haemorrhages i
n the uterus and wound area. On the second postoperative day a factor
VlllC inhibitor was diagnosed. With porcine factor Vlll concentrate bl
eeding was stopped for a few days, after which severe haematuria and v
aginal bleeding occurred. With repeated plasmapheresis followed by adm
inistration of porcine factor Vlll concentrate haemostasis was achieve
d. Finally, with a new, life-threatening onset of bleeding accompanied
by an increasing inhibitor titre against both human and porcine facto
r VlllC, haemostasis was only achieved by administration of recombinan
t activated factor Vll (rFVlla; Novo Seven(TM) Novo Nordisk), which ha
d just become available. This rare but potentially fatal postpartum co
mplication can be successfully treated only in a centre with multidisc
iplinary cooperation between obstetricians and coagulation specialists
. A tentative diagnosis can be made if an isolated prolonged partial t
hromboplastin time (aPTT), together with normal prothrombin time (PT),
normal platelet count and normal fibrinogen levels is observed. The s
pecification of the inhibitor (specification of the inactivated intrin
sic coagulation factor, measurement of the vWF and the inhibitor titre
level, crossreaction with the porcine factor VlllC) must be carried o
ut in a special coagulation laboratory.