Calcium antagonists are effective antianginal agents in the treatment
of patients with stable exercise-induced angina pectoris. A series of
randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with the novel, on
ce-daily calcium antagonist amlodipine have been completed in a large
number of patients with stable exercise-induced angina pectoris. Compa
red with placebo, once-daily amlodipine demonstrated a significant dos
e-related extension in exercise duration and work-load accomplished, a
nd reduction in number of anginal attacks and associated glyceryl trin
itrate consumption. The clinical antianginal attributes of imlodipine
were accompanied by significant reductions in electrocardiographic evi
dence of myocardial ischemia. In comparison with other antianginal dru
gs, once-daily amlodipine at a dosage range of 5-10 mg demonstrated an
tianginal activity comparable to thrice-daily diltiazem and once-daily
nadolol. Amlodipine administered once daily achieves symptomatic and
electrocardiographic amelioration of myocardial ischemic episodes indu
ced by exercise in the majority of patients with stable angina pectori
s. Amlodipine does not depress left ventricular pumping activity, and
its side-effect profile does not differ substantially from that of pla