Characteristics of neural corticosteroid receptors were studied in 51
adrenally-intact macaque monkeys using a modification of a corticoster
oid receptor assay developed in this laboratory for rodent studies. Us
ing cortisol as a ligand, two receptor subtypes could be distinguished
and with similar K-d's to those observed in rodents, as measured with
corticosterone. The time course showed maximum binding for mineraloco
rticoid receptors at 24 h and for glucocorticoid at 4 h. There were re
gional differences in the number of available binding sites for each r
eceptor type, as well as an inverse correlation between the concentrat
ion of cortisol in the blood at the time of death and the number of av
ailable binding sites. In general this paper emphasizes the similariti
es between such receptors in primate and those in other species, simil
arities that could be detected despite the technical constraints of st
udying tissue taken from non-adrenalectomized animals.