Female Sprague-Dawley rats, 10-12-week old and weighing about 240 g, w
ere injected intravenously with Np-237-nitrate. In the toxicological s
tudy 77 rats served as controls and 28 rats per group received single
doses of 5.2 and 26 kBq, respectively, per kg body weight. In addition
, 12 rats of each injection level, sacrificed at defined points in tim
e, were used for dosimetric studies. During the whole life-span the bo
dy weight and Np-237 whole body-content of each animal were recorded.
After death a detailed pathological examination was made of each anima
l in the cronical study. One day after injection 48% of the injected a
ctivity was in the skeleton, 9.3% in the liver, 3% in the kidneys and
4.4% in the rest of the organs. Whereas in all organs the activity dec
reased very fast, the half-life in the skeleton was about 1400 days. T
he bodyweights were comparable in the three groups, but the life sp an
decreased from 800 days (control group) to 644 days after injection (
26 kBq kg(-1) body weight group). The main lesions in the female rats
were mammary tumors (73%) and pituitary gland tumors (52%). With incre
asing activity the incidence of pituary gland tumors decreased and tha
t of osteosarcomas increased from 1.3% (control group) to 32% (26 kBq
kg(-1) body weight group), whereas the remaining lesions showed no inf
luence on the activity.