Glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus are both prevalent in cirrho
sis, yet the pathogenesis of impaired glucose metabolism remains unkno
wn. Therefore insulin secretion (hyperglycemic clamp, +125 mg/dl), ins
ulin sensitivity (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic insulin clamp, + 10 mu U
/ml and +50 mu U/ml), whole-body glucose oxidation (indirect calorimet
ry) and glucose turnover ([6,6-H-2(2)]glucose isotope dilution) were e
valuated in a homogenous group of cirrhotic patients with glucose into
lerance (n = 7) or frank diabetes mellitus (n = 6). The results were c
ompared with those obtained in control subjects (n = 8). In glucose-in
tolerant patients, whole-body glucose uptake (mainly reflecting glucos
e utilization by muscle) was significantly impaired in patients during
both insulin infusions as a result of decreased stimulation of the tw
o major intracellular pathways of glucose disposal-nonoxidative glucos
e disposal (i.e., glycogen synthesis) and glucose oxidation. Hepatic g
lucose production was normal in the basal state and was normally suppr
essed during stepwise insulin infusion (by 65% and 85%, respectively,
p = NS vs. controls). Hyperglycemia-induced increases of plasma C-pept
ide concentrations were comparable to those in controls (p = NS). In d
iabetic patients, insulin-mediated glucose uptake was significantly re
duced, mainly because of impaired non-oxidative glucose disposal. Gluc
ose oxidation appeared to be reduced, too. Hepatic glucose production
was significantly increased in the basal state (3.03 +/- 0.24 vs. 2.34
+/- 0.10 mg/kg min, p < 0.02) and during insulin infusion (+50 mu U/m
l: 0.67 +/- 0.17 vs. 0.13 +/- 0.08 mg/kg min, p < 0.05) compared with
that in controls. Both the first and second phases of beta-cell secret
ion were significantly reduced in response to steady-state hyperglycem
ia (both p < 0.02 vs. control values). In conclusion, glucose intolera
nce in cirrhosis results from two abnormalities that occur simultaneou
sly: (a) insulin resistance of muscle and (b) an inadequate response (
even when comparable to that of controls) of the beta-cells to appropr
iately secrete insulin to overcome the defect in insulin action. Diabe
tes mellitus in insulin resistant cirrhotic patients develops as the r
esult of progressive impairment in insulin secretion together with the
development of hepatic insulin resistance leading to fasting hypergly
cemia and a diabetic glucose tolerance profile.