Clozapine is an atypical neuroleptic medication with superior efficacy
to conventional antipsychotic agents for patients with chronic, sympt
omatic schizophrenia. Neurochemical characteristics that distinguish c
lozapine from other neuroleptics and contribute to its differential ef
ficacy are not known. We assessed the effects of clozapine on plasma l
evels of norepinephrine (NE) in a double-blind, parallel groups compar
ison of clozapine (n = 11) and haloperidol (n = 15) in chronic schizop
hrenic outpatients who had been previously treated with fluphenazine.
Simultaneous measurements were obtained for plasma levels of the catec
holamine precursor dopa, the dopamine metabolite dihydroxyphenylacetic
acid (DOPAC), the NE metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), adr
enocorticotropin (ACTH), cortisol, and hemodynamic parameters. Clozapi
ne produced marked increases (471%) in plasma NE levels, whereas halop
eridol had no significant effects on plasma NE levels. Clozapine also
increased dopa and tended to increase DOPAC levels, without effects on
DHPG, ACTH, or cortisol levels and without consistent changes in bloo
d pressure. Across patients, the magnitude of clozapine-induced increm
ents in plasma NE levels was positively related to improvement in posi
tive symptoms and global symptomatology and was unrelated to the occur
rence of extrapyramidal symptoms. The results suggest that clozapine d
iffers importantly from other neuroleptics in increasing plasma NE lev
els, with the peripheral noradrenergic stimulation related to its supe
rior efficacy profile. The unchanged DHPG levels and absence of hypert
ension suggest a more complex mechanism of action of clozapine than he
ightened NE release alone.