This study used positron-emission tomography to examine cerebral metab
olic rates of glucose (CMRG) in 17 patients with DSM III-R diagnoses o
f personality disorder. Within the group of 17 personality disorder pa
tients, there was a significant inverse correlation between a life his
tory of aggressive impulse difficulties and regional CMRG in the front
al cortex of the transaxial plane approximately 40 mm above the cantho
meatal line (CML) (r = - .56, p = 0.17). Diagnostic groups included an
tisocial (n = 6), borderline (n = 6), dependent (n = 2), and narcissis
tic (n = 3). Regional CMRG in the six antisocial patients and in the s
ix borderline patients was compared to a control group of 43 subjects
using an analysis of covariance with age and sex as covariates. In the
borderline personality disorder group, there was a significant decrea
se in frontal cortex metabolism in the transaxial plane approximately
81 mm above the CML and a significant increase in the transaxial plane
approximately 53 mm above the CML (F[1,45] = 8.65, p = .005; and F[1,
45] = 7.68, p = .008, respectively).