Many patients with renal insufficiency treated by dialysis for more th
an 10 years have tissue deposits of amyloid material containing polyme
rized beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m) The mechanisms of beta(2)m poly
merization and degradation remain unknown. In biological fluids (serum
and urine) from haemodialysis patients and in dialysis fluids from pa
tients treated by chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), we ha
ve characterized different molecular forms of beta(2)m, including prot
eolytic split products. beta(2)m isoforms of pI 5.7, 5.3 and 4.5-5.0 w
ere isolated from urine and CAPD fluid. The pI 5.3 beta(2)m, but not t
he other forms, was recovered both as monomers and as dimers. Such dim
ers were also detected in serum from patients but not from healthy con
trols. pI 5.3 and 5.7 beta(2)m isoforms were found to be nearly identi
cal by mass spectrometry and by their amino acid sequences. The amino
acid sequence of the 43 N-terminal amino acids of beta(2)m of pI 5.0 s
howed identity with the corresponding region of pI 5.7 beta(2)m. Fragm
ents recovered from CAPD fluid were similar to proteolytic fragments g
enerated from pure pI 5.7 beta(2)m by incubation in mouse ascitic flui
d at acidic pH. Furthermore, pure pI 5.7 beta(2)m was converted into m
ore acidic forms of 12 kDa upon incubation in mouse ascitic fluid at a
cid pH. beta(2)m dimers found in serum may represent a precursor of am
yloid fibrils.