Selective fishing, removing mainly old large fish, leaves young fast g
rowing and early maturing individuals nearly intact. This leads to an
increased rate of generations' succession,''rejuvenation'' of spawning
stocks, to decrease in their numerical size and biomass. Such dynamic
s is typical for species with diverse ecology. A hypothesis, according
to which reorganizations of universal adaptive system, that determine
s individual differences in growth and maturation rates, are responsib
le for uniform changes in biology of populations under selective fishi
ng pressure, is proposed. These differences turned out to be correlate
d with intrapopulation sex differentiation and levels of allozyme geni
c diversity in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), pink salmo
n O. gorbuscha (Walbaum), and some other salmonid species. The ratio b
etween intra- and inter-group components of genetic diversity is maint
ained at a stable, optimal level by fine subpopulation structure, orde
red in time and space, in case of natural reproduction of a population
system. Disproportional removal of large, usually more homozygous ind
ividuals, leads to an increase of heterozygosity, acceleration of grow
th and maturation rates with negative consequences. Interpopulation ge
netic differences are disappearing. Still, this process is adaptive;an
d timely termination of unfavorable external impact leaves a chance fo
r the restoration of genetic structure and normalization of reproducti
on of populations' gene pools. Selection against small, more heterozyg
ous individuals (which may occur at hatcheries), leads to inbreeding.
Intrapopulation genetic diversity declines, while interpopulation dive
rsity increases. This process is inadaptive, and probably leads to irr
eversible degradation of artificially maintainerd populations. Genetic
foundations of rational fishery are considered in concluding part of
the paper, and practical recommendations are given.