The analysis of 8200 line km of total magnetic intensity data in the B
ay of Bengal, northeastern Indian Ocean, revealed the presence of appr
oximately N30-degrees-E-trending seafloor spreading type magnetic anom
alies. These anomalies resemble the Mesozoic anomaly series (M11-M0) r
eported elsewhere. The oldest anomaly (M11, 132.5 Ma) identified close
to the east coast of India is followed by the younger series of Mesoz
oic anomalies towards the offshore. Some of the anomalies are offset b
y 60-80 km. The configuration of the offsets of the isochrons allowed
us to propose approximately N120-degrees-E-trending oceanic fracture z
ones. The Mesozoic crust of 132.5-118 Ma is estimated to evolve with a
n average half-spreading rate of 3.5 cm/yr, except for the ocean floor
between the M9 and M4 magnetic isochrons. This part of the crust appe
ars to be affected by the buried subsurface 85-degrees-E Ridge.