Breast milk contains nucleotide salts that are only present in minimal
amounts in modem infant formulas prepared from cows' milk. Nucleotide
s have been suggested as cofactors for the growth of bifidobacteria in
vitro. Bifidobacteria are found to be more numerous in the faeces of
breast fed babies compared with those of formula fed babies. Faecal fl
ora were examined at 2 weeks of age in 32 babies who from birth had be
en fed a whey based formula supplemented with nucleotide monophosphate
salts, 33 babies fed an unsupplemented formula, and 21 breast fed bab
ies. Faecal flora were also examined at 4 weeks, and 7 weeks but with
fewer babies in each group. Most differences were found at 2 weeks of
age when more babies fed the nucleotide supplemented formula were colo
nised with Escherichia coli and more had E coli as the dominant organi
sm in their faecal flora. Fewer of these babies were colonised with bi
fidobacteria. The counts of bifidobacteria and enterococci were reduce
d in the nucleotide supplemented group but bacteroides accounted for a
higher percentage of the total flora in this group of babies. Supplem
entation of a formula with nucleotide salts did not make the faecal fl
ora closer to that of breast fed infants as the growth of bifidobacter
ia was discouraged. While there may be arguments to support the additi
on of nucleotides to infant formula the results of this study do not s
upport their addition for the enhancement of bifidobacteria in the fae
cal flora.