The kinetics of oxidation of DL-methionine by acid bromate has been st
udied in aqueous acetic acid (50%, v/v) in the presence of mercuric ac
etate which acts as a scavenger for molecular bromine. The reaction wh
ich is catalysed by acid shows a first-order dependence on oxidant con
centration. The rate constant decreases with increasing methionine con
centration suggesting the reversible formation of a 1 : 1 complex betw
een the substrate and oxidant. While an increase in dielectric constan
t of the medium decreases the rate, an increase in ionic strength perc
eptibly enhances the rate of oxidation. Absence of polymerisation of a
crylamide excludes the possibility of a radical mechanism. On the basi
s of the kinetic observations, a suitable mechanism has been postulate
d. Activation parameters have also been evaluated.