Sites of transcription of ribosomal RNA in HeLa cells were visualized
by electron microscopy. Cells were either incubated with Br-uridine, o
r permeabilized and then incubated with BrUTP, before sites containing
Br-RNA were immunolabelled with gold particles. Short incubations ens
ured that most incorporated analogue remained at synthetic sites. Fibr
illar centres were unlabelled except at their periphery; label was con
centrated over certain regions of the surrounding dense fibrillar comp
onent. These results suggest that the dense fibrillar component is the
site of rRNA transcription. After dispersing the granular component a
nd the dense fibrillar component by a hypotonic treatment, removal of
most chromatin and preparation of resinless sections, fibrillar centre
s remained fixed to a nucleoskeleton. These structural and functional
features are incorporated into a model for rRNA transcription.