The Notch gene of Drosophila encodes a large transmembrane protein inv
olved in cell fate determination during embryonic and larval developme
nt. This gene is evolutionarily conserved, and Notch homologs have bee
n cloned from several vertebrate species. To examine the in vivo role
of the Notch1 gene, a mouse homolog of Notch, a mutation was introduce
d by targeted disruption in embryonic stem cells, and these cells were
used to generate mutant mice. Intercrosses of animals heterozygous fo
r the Notch1 mutation yielded no live-born homozygous mutant offspring
. Homozygous mutant embryos died before 11.5 days of gestation. Morpho
logical and histological analysis of the homozygous mutant embryos ind
icated that pattern formation through the first nine days of gestation
appeared largely normal. However, histological analysis of mutant emb
ryos subsequent to this stage revealed widespread cell death. Death of
mutant embryos did not appear to be attributable to defects in placen
tation or vascularization. Examination of the RNA expression pattern o
f the Notch2 gene, another Notch gene family member, indicated that it
partially overlapped the Notch1 expression pattern. Genetic analysis
of the Notch1 mutation also demonstrated that it was not allelic to a
mouse mutation described previously, Danforth's short tail (Sd). These
results demonstrate that the Notch1 gene plays a vital role during ea
rly postimplantation development in mice.