Haemocyanin (Hc) occurs in the haemolymph of all gammaroidean amphipod
s examined to date. Amphipod haemolymph is characterised by its compar
atively low protein content, much of which is Hc, resulting in a low O
2 carrying capacity. However, Hc has been shown to function as a respi
ratory pigment in vivo in at least some of the larger species during s
ustained activity. Amphipod Hcs seem to exist as hexamer aggregates. T
he number and types of subunit(s) present has still not satisfactorily
been determined. The functional properties of amphipod Hcs are qualit
atively similar to those of decapod and isopod crustaceans. They posse
ss a moderate to large Bohr effect. Hc O2 affinity tends to be moderat
e in gammarid amphipods but higher than found in talitrid amphipods. T
emperature affects O2 binding by some Hcs but not others: such effects
could not be correlated with the ecology of all of the species examin
ed. The colonisation of land by talitrid amphipods is accompanied by a
reduction in both Hc O2 affinity and the Bohr effect together with a
decrease in Hc effector sensitivity. The Bohr effect for Hc for semi-/
euterrestrial amphipods was remarkably similar (DELTA log P50/DELTA pH
= -0.77 +/- 0.06) and consistently smaller than that observed for Hc
from aquatic species (DELTA log P50 DELTA pH = -1.44 +/- 0.20). It was
not possible to relate the functional differences in O2 binding evide
nt between Hcs from aquatic (gammarid) and Hcs from semi-/euterrestria
l (talitrid) amphipods to Hc structure. Similarly relating changes in
Hc O2 binding to changes in respiratory exchange organs is difficult u
ntil we know the extent to which extrabranchial gas exchange occurs.