F. Thorn et al., THE DEVELOPMENT OF EYE ALIGNMENT, CONVERGENCE, AND SENSORY BINOCULARITY IN YOUNG INFANTS, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 35(2), 1994, pp. 544-553
Purpose. To measure and compare the development of ocular alignment, s
ensory binocularity, and convergence in infants during the first 5 mon
ths of life. Methods. Healthy infants were tested between 2 and 21 wee
ks of age. Ocular alignment was measured by the Hirschberg test; conve
rgence was determined by visual examination as an illuminated toy appr
oached an infant's face; and sensory binocularity was measured by pref
erential looking for fusible versus rivalrous gratings. In experiment
1, we compared the proportion of infants at different ages demonstrati
ng orthotropic ocular alignment with those showing convergence. In exp
eriment 2, we compared the age of onset of convergence to that of sens
ory binocularity. Results. Experiment 1: Most infants were orthotropic
during the first month, and almost all of the others showed small amo
unts of exotropia. None of the infants showed accurate convergence unt
il 6 weeks of age. By 4 months of age virtually all were orthotropic a
nd had good convergence. Experiment 2: The onset of sensory binocular
fusion occurred at 12.8 +/- 3.3 weeks. Full convergence did not occur
until 13.7 +/- 3.2 weeks, although the first signs of convergence occu
rred slightly earlier. For individual infants there was a high correla
tion between the age of onset of sensory binocularity and convergence,
and both onsets occurred earlier in girls than in boys. Conclusions.
Ocular alignment did not require the development of binocularity mecha
nisms, and the development of binocularity mechanisms did not await th
e onset of good ocular alignment. The relatively sudden onset of binoc
ularity, both sensory (preference for fusion and stereopsis) and motor
(convergence) at about 3 months of age and the high correlation betwe
en these measures indicate a common causal mechanism that probably inv
olves refinements in striate cortex circuitry.