Extensive oculomotor testing and quantitative MRI evaluation was perfo
rmed in seven patients with idiopathic cerebellar ataxia without extra
cerebellar symptoms (IDCA-C) and in ten patients with additional extra
cerebellar symptoms (IDCA-P). The most severe oculomotor deficits were
disturbed smooth pursuit, optokinetic nystagmus and suppression of th
e vestibule-ocular reflex (VOR). The symptoms correlated well and cons
istently with the amount of atrophy of the flocculus and the dorsal ve
rmis. These correlations, however, were not specific, and deficits als
o correlated with the amount of atrophy of other cerebellar structures
. No correlation was found between saccade velocity and brainstem atro
phy or between saccade metrics and atrophy of the dorsal vermis. Altho
ugh patients with IDCA-P had more severe oculomotor deficits than pati
ents with IDCA-C, the pattern of the oculomotor disturbances was the s
ame for both groups. Thus, eye movement analysis alone is not sufficie
nt to distinguish between patients with pure cerebellar ataxia and tho
se with additional extracerebellar symptoms.