To investigate the effects of digitalis on chemoreflexes in humans, we
measured muscle sympathetic nerve activity (microneurography), minute
ventilation, oxygen saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide, mean arteri
al pressure, heart rate, and central venous pressure during stimulatio
n of peripheral chemoreceptors with hypoxia, during stimulation of cen
tral chemoreceptors with hypercapnia, and during a cold presser test b
efore and after digitalis and placebo in 10 healthy volunteers on two
different days (randomized, double-blind, crossover design). Digitalis
did not affect baseline measurements significantly. Despite similar c
hanges in oxygen saturation and end-tidal carbon dioxide during hypoxi
a and hypercapnia with both placebo and digitalis, digitalis significa
ntly potentiated overall ventilatory responses to hypoxia (+67+/-12% b
efore versus +98+/-3% after digitalis; mean+/-SEM; P<.01) but did not
affect the response to hypercapnia. Sympathetic nerve activity increas
ed by 25+/-9% during hypoxia before digitalis and 30+/-10% during hypo
xia after digitalis (P=NS) and increased by 38+/-18% during hypercapni
a before digitalis and 26+/-11% during hypercapnia after digitalis (P=
NS). Digitalis did not significantly change responses to the cold pres
ser test. Placebo had no effect on ventilatory and sympathetic nerve a
ctivity responses. We conclude that digitalis selectively augments ven
tilatory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation by hypoxia.