Using epidemiologic data, in an earlier study we formulated the hypoth
esis that estrogens can delay the onset of schizophrenia in females by
raising the vulnerability threshold for this disease. In animal exper
iments, Hafner and colleagues found evidence that chronic estradiol tr
eatment reduces the sensitivity of dopamine (D-2) receptors in the bra
in. In the clinical study presented in this article, as a further step
we examined the antipsychotic properties of estradiol in human female
s by testing whether schizophrenic symptomatology varies with estradio
l serum levels throughout the menstrual cycle. We examined 32 acutely
admitted female schizophrenia patients (Present State Examination/CATE
GO diagnosis, ICD-9) with a history of regular menstrual cycles, ages
18 to 43 (mean = 30.5), during their hospital stays (3-8 weeks), analy
zing hormonal parameters and applying various rating scales for psycho
pathology every 7 days. In all patients, estradiol serum levels were m
arkedly reduced as compared with the normal population, and fluctuatio
ns throughout the cycle were dampened. Nevertheless, a significant ass
ociation emerged between estradiol levels, on the one hand, and psycho
pathology scores, on the other-that is, the psychiatric symptomatology
as assessed by the clinical psychiatrist (Brief Psychiatric Rating Sc
ale, p less than or equal to 0.01), behavior on the ward as assessed b
y the nursing staff (Nurses' Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluatio
n p less than or equal to 0.01), paranoid tendencies and general well-
being as assessed by the patients themselves (Paranoid-Depressivitats-
Skala paranoid score p less than or equal to 0.05; Befindlichkeits-Ska
la p less than or equal to 0.05). Psychopathology seems to improve whe
n estradiol levels rise, and vice versa. These findings can be interpr
eted as further evidence for a protective effect of estrogens in schiz
ophrenia, possibly due to the known antidopaminergic activities of the
se hormones.