Molecular-beam epitaxy of silicon permits the growth of any layers des
ired on large areas with a high reproducibility. A vertical arrangemen
t of several thin ''delta layers'' in combination with local epitaxy a
nd selective etching leads to a new kind of electron device using the
third dimension. With a delta layer thickness of about 2 nm and by var
ying other device dimensions within a few nanometers, electron devices
with threshold voltages on the order of magnitude of a few volts were
possible. Selective contacts to the individual delta layers permit ve
rtical transport studies. In the resistance-gate voltage characteristi
c of a vertical double-delta transistor with an effective gate length
of about 90 nm periodic oscillations are clearly observed. It can be s
hown that in the transistor, three two-dimensional electron systems me
et each other perpendicularly. The calculation of the electronic struc
ture of the device is carried out with a simple but reasonably exact m
ethod. The calculated eigenvalue spectrum corresponds well with the ob
served oscillations in the experimental resistance-gate voltage charac
teristic and permits its interpretation.