The effect of epidural administered xylazine was investigated in 10 ma
ture Holstein cows (mean age: 5,4 +/- 1,2 years, mean BW: 572 +/- 23 k
g): 5 cows were treated with xylazine in a low dose of 0,05 mg/kg body
weight, 3 cows in a medium dose (0,07 mg/kg BW) and 2 cows in a high d
ose (0,1 mg/kg BW). Xylazine dosages were diluted in sterile saline to
a final volume of 5 ml. As a control, lidocain (5 ml of a 2% solution
) was given to 5 cows epidurally. Duration of regional anaesthesia aft
er low dose of xylazine (0,05 mg/kg BW) was significant longer (mean:
2,2 hours) compared to lidocain treated cows (mean: 1,1 hour). Regiona
l extension of anaethesia was comparable after dosing with xylazine an
d lidocain (tail, after, vulva and perineum). All cows remained standi
ng, but in xylazine treated cows systemic effects, e. g. mild sedation
, decreased heart- and respiratory rates, decreased rumen motility and
mild bloat were observed, With increased dosages of xylazine a prolon
gation of epidural anaethesia up to 3 hours was achieved, but regional
extension of this effect remained nearly unchanged. With increased xy
lazine dosages, cows showed markable sedation and ataxia and sternal r
ecumbency were induced.