Relationships of elk and domestic sheep sharing a common 100.1 km(2)(2
4,735 acre) range dominated by aspen were studied from May 1993 throug
h October 1994 in the Willow Creek Demonstration Area on the Heber Ran
ger District, Uinta National Forest, in north-central Utah. Important
findings included seasonal feeding site selection, preferences for for
age, dietary overlap, use of natural mineral licks, use of sheep salt
placements, effects of biting flies on elk, habitat selection by elk a
nd sheep, and migration patterns of elk. Forage selection is related t
o nutritional levels in plants and available minerals. Similarities in
elk and sheep seasonal dietary fractions are presented for 142 vascul
ar plant species. Browsing impacts on important woody species are deta
iled. Management indicator species ate designated. Management recommen
dations are set forth in a manner requisite for ecosystem management.