The methods for exploring venous function globally are presented first
. These methods include venous pressure and plethysmography for which
the methods using a garrot are separated from those using air volumetr
y which give reliable physiological and reproducible results. The Nach
ev method, the thermometry, the thermography and isotope clearances ar
e also reviewed since they have been important in the development of e
xploration of venous function. The methods giving morphological or seg
mentary data are then presented in historical order: phlebography (com
pleted by tomodensitography and nuclear magnetic resonance), then ultr
asonography with Doppler, echography and duplex and colour techniques.
Finally promising methods for the future including oxygen partial pre
ssures, laser-Doppler, capillaroscopy and venous endoscopy are discuss
ed. For each method, there is a description of the technique, a presen
tation of the measured parameters and their reliability, the significa
tion of the measurement and its clinical use. Finally, each method is
discussed in the context of concrete clinical situations,vith a schema
for management of diagnosis.