The cyclic deformation of polycrystalline f.c.c. metal is treated by v
iewing differently-oriented grains as the components of a composite ma
terial. Following a brief review of cyclic deformation in single- and
polycrystals, a qualitative model of deformation behavior is developed
by considering multi-slip regions to be relatively ''hard''. These re
gions are of two kinds: (a) volumes adjacent to grain and twin boundar
ies where multi-slip develops from compatability requirements, and (b)
whole grains which happen to be favorably oriented for multi-slip bec
ause of texture effects. The interiors of grains favorably oriented fo
r single slip are considered as ''soft''. These considerations are val
idated by the experimental fact that the substructure evolution observ
ed in [111]-[100] textured copper seems to be better described if grai
n-orientations are viewed in terms of the individual stress-state for
each grain, and therefore the cyclic response of differently-oriented
grains can be taken as that of the corresponding differently oriented
single crystals. Finally, the model is shown to account qualitatively
for some of the results reported previously from our laboratory: e.g.
the differences in the cyclic response and levels of strain localizati
on of fine-grained/weak-textured and coarse-grained/strong-textured co
pper, and the absence of a plateau in the cyclic stress-strain curve o
f fine-grained/weak-textured copper.