1. In the mid-1970s, Hynes (1975) wrote eloquently about the complex i
nteractions between aquatic and terrestrial systems. Central theories
in stream ecology developed thereafter have dealt with the longitudina
l flow of energy, materials and organisms in streams, and, with the ex
ception of the flood pulse concept (Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989), have
largely ignored areas outside the riparian zone. The structure of the
upland and activities occurring there play a more important part than
previously recognized in regulating community structure and ecosystem
processes in streams. 2. These new perspectives are made possible by
developments in hierarchy theory, patch dynamics, and the refinement o
f tools used to quantify spatial and temporal heterogeneity. 3. Geogra
phical information systems (GIS), image processing technology and spat
ial statistical techniques allow quantitative assessment of lateral, l
ongitudinal and vertical components of the landscape that interact at
several spatial and temporal scales to influence streams. When GIS is
used in concert with geostatistics, multivariate statistics, or landsc
ape models, complex relationships can be elucidated and predicted. 4.
To a certain extent, the tools discussed above have only automated fun
ctions that were previously performed manually. This suite of tools ha
s improved the ability of aquatic ecologists to examine relationships
and test theories over larger, more heterogeneous regions than were pr
eviously possible. 5. At the local, state and federal level, managemen
t and regulatory frameworks are currently being re-evaluated to incorp
orate this new perspective in resource management and policy decision
making. 6. We will discuss current and future trends in technologies a
nd tools used for aquatic ecosystem research, and the use of technique
s as they are applied in these regional assessments are also discussed