Recent evidence for secretion of H+ (J(H)) and ammonia (J(amm)) and co
ncomitant absorption of bicarbonate and OH- in Malpighian tubules and
hindgut (ileum, rectum) of desert locusts is reviewed. We include data
in theses on ileal J(H), J(amm), and ammoniagenesis and evidence sugg
esting their control by neuropeptides from corpus cardiacum and ventra
l ganglia acting via cyclic AMP. The importance of each segment of the
excretory system in acid-base elimination is estimated and compared w
ith data on recovery of whole locusts from acidosis, including composi
tion of the excreta. The capacity of the excretory system is more than
adequate to account for the regulation of hemolymph pH in feeding loc
usts injected with an acid load.