The paper discusses information services which are being developed wit
hin the National Museums of Scotland (NMS), to support the Museum of S
cotland Project. NMS has started to build a new museum in the centre o
f Edinburgh, to display its rich collections of Scottish material. It
is due to open in 1998. The information needs of project teams are exa
mined. A strategy for responding to the rapidly changing needs of proj
ect teams is described. The approach concentrates on developing a vari
ety of information resources, which together meet the needs of users,
and making some of them accessible throughout the organization as serv
ices on a data communications network. Internal services include colle
ctions databases, a collections management system for the Museum of Sc
otland Project, and the library catalogue online. External services in
clude the development of a Scottish national database of museum object
s, and access to the Joint Academic Network. The data communications n
etwork is described, and the management of the system is discussed.