To examine the relation between adverse pregnancy out comes and work i
n cosmetology during pregnancy, we conducted a mail survey in North Ca
rolina among 8,356 licensed female cosmetologists 22-36 years of age.
We identified pregnancies between 1983 and 1988 by a brief screening q
uestionnaire, followed by a more detailed mail questionnaire. Seventy-
four per cent of eligible cosmetologists responded to each inquiry. We
restricted the main analysis to 96 cosmetologists with a spontaneous
abortion and 547 cosmetologists with a single livebirth who worked ful
l-time in cosmetology or in other jobs during the first trimester of p
regnancy. With adjusted odds ratios ranging from 1.4 to 2.0, we found
associations between spontaneous abortion and the number of hours work
ed-per day in cosmetology, the number-of chemical services performed p
er week, the use of formaldehyde-based disinfectants, and work in salo
ns where nail sculpturing was performed by other employees. We found n
o important associations among full-time, cosmetologists who performed
few chemical services-and among cosmetologists who worked less than 3
5 hours per week.