The bone marrow stroma, represented in long-term marrow culture by cel
ls of the adherent layer, is composed of a heterogenous mixture of mac
rophages and mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, endothelial cel
ls and adipocytes, in association with a proteoglycan matrix. This mat
rix, which is synthesized by the stroma, is capable of binding hematop
oietic growth factors, and likely plays a major role in hematopoietic
regulation. Clonally-derived non-transformed bone marrow stromal cells
, propagated in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor, were s
tudied for expression of collagenase, an enzyme whose substrate, colla
gen, is a major component of the extracellular matrix. Expression of s
teady-state collagenase mRNA was undetectable in both unstimulated der
mal fibroblasts and non-transformed marrow stromal cells. However, sti
mulation with interleukin 1 alpha (10 U/ml) for 24 h resulted in marke
d accumulation of collagenase mRNA in dermal fibroblast cells, yet fai
led to elicit a similar response in bone marrow stromal cells. Both ma
rrow stromal cells and dermal fibroblasts constitutively expressed tra
nscripts of collagen I, and rhIL-1 alpha upregulated transcripts of in
terleukin 6 in both these cells as well. Although similar in morpholog
y, these data indicate that bone marrow stromal cells differ from fibr
oblasts in their response to IL-l. In the marrow microenvironment, whe
re IL-l may be secreted by a variety of cell types, such suppression o
f collagenase expression may serve to prevent unwanted mobilization of
collagen from the glycoprotein matrix by marrow stromal cells.