OBJECTIVES: Our purpose was to develop a sensitive method for assessin
g the replication time of specific human genes in cultured fetal cells
and for detecting potential replication defects. STUDY DESIGN: Synchr
onous progression of diploid human fetal lung cells through S phase wa
s achieved by releasing from serum restriction with minimum essential
medium alpha modification plus 10% fetal bovine serum, followed by hyd
roxyurea blockage at the G(1)/S boundary. Deoxyribonucleic acid replic
ation was studied in permeabilized cells using mercurated nucleotides
to label nascent deoxyribonucleic acid. RESULTS: A high degree of sync
hrony in traversal of S phase was indicated by flow cytometry and a we
ll-defined 7-hour period of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. The repli
cation of the topoisomerase II gene occurred in a narrow time span 3 h
ours after entry into S phase. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal cells have been high
ly synchronized at the beginning of S phase, and the replication time
of a specific gene can be defined within a narrow time window.