Measurements of radon at 50 sites with varying geology indicate that o
utdoor air in Nevada is comparable to that measured nationwide by Hopp
er et al. (1991). The statewide median of 15 Bq m-3 (0.4 pCi L-1) is e
ssentially the same as the nationwide median. The range is considerabl
e: from 2.6-52 Bq m-3 (0.07-1.40 pCi L-1). Variations in these measure
ments can generally be correlated with different concentrations of rad
on in soils and uranium and its progeny in rocks. Silica-rich igneous
rocks (rhyolites and granites) appear to be the main sources of high l
evels of radon in outdoor air in Nevada. Concentrations of radon in ou
tdoor air generally correlate with levels of radon in soil gas. Measur
ements taken from heights of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 m above the ground sugg
est that radon in outdoor air reflects the local geology throughout th
is range of heights. Towns for which >20% of the homes have indoor-air
radon concentrations >48 Bq m-3 (4 pCi L-1) generally have relatively
high soil-gas radon, relatively high outdoor-air radon, or both.