Recurrent incisional hernia remains a major problem for the general su
rgeon. The rate of recurrence of hernia repaired by primary closure us
ing nylon sutures or with knitted monofilament polypropylene (Marlex)
mesh was studied. A total of 102 repairs were performed over a 19-year
period. Marlex mesh was used in 49 cases and primary closure in 53. A
ll except two patients were followed from 1 to 15 (mean 7.6) years or
to death. The incidence of recurrence was 8 per cent when Marlex was u
sed and 25 per cent after primary closure. In both groups the of the r
ecurrences were in the first 16 months after repair. The use of Marlex
mesh should be considered in the management of recurrent incisional h