We present a Monte Carlo method for determining the distribution of fo
unders' genetic contributions tb descendant cohorts. The simulation of
genes through known pedigrees generates the probability distributions
of contributed genes in recent cohorts of descendants, their means, a
nd their variances. Genealogical data from three populations are analy
zed: the Hutterite population of North America, the island population
of Sottunga from the Aland archipelago, and the large Utah Mormon popu
lation. Two applications of the Monte Carlo method are presented. Firs
t we investigate the relative opportunity for founder effect in the th
ree populations, which have dissimilar pedigree structures and dissimi
lar disease gene frequencies. Second, we measure the reproductive succ
ess of population founders in terms of the number of genes they contri
bute to a cohort some number of generations descendant and compare the
effects of polygyny versus monogamy on reproductive success. The dist
ribution of Hutterite founder contributions describes the context for
a classic founder effect. Hutterite founders have a higher probability
of leaving no genes in the population (72%) than Sottunga (48%) and M
ormon (48%) founders. However, founder genes that survive among Hutter
ite descendants do so in larger numbers on average than founder genes
in the other two populations. Greater variation among monogamous Hutte
rite founders compared with Mormon polygynous founders demonstrates th
at polygyny alone does not maximize the variance in reproductive succe
ss; other population characteristics are at least as important for det
ermining variability among individuals in their genetic contributions
to a gene pool. Our findings make it difficult to appreciate the repro
ductive advantage of polygyny in the Mormon population. Although the e
xpected gene contributions and their variances were larger for polygyn
ous founders compared with other Mormons, the main effect of polygyny
was to increase the probability that any polygynist left a few genes a
mong descendants. Furthermore, only 12% of the variation in the geneti
c contributions of Mormon founders is explained by their number of off
spring. We conclude that shallow genealogical data (from one or a few
generations) provide a poor measure of long-term reproductive success.