Transforming growth factor beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) switches from an inhi
bitor of tumor cell growth to a stimulator of growth and invasion duri
ng human colon carcinoma progression. We originally observed that meta
static colon carcinoma cells in primary culture responded to TGF-beta(
1) by proliferation, whereas moderate to well-differentiated primary s
ite colon carcinomas were growth inhibited by TCF-beta(1) (P. Schroy e
t al., Cancer Res., 50: 261-265, 1990). We then cloned several colon c
arcinoma cell lines which modeled these responses to TCF-beta(1), and
expressed TCF-beta(1) (M. M. Hafez et al., Cell Growth and Differ., 1:
617-626, 1990; 3: 753-762, 1992). Two of these colon carcinoma cell l
ines, U9 and HD3, which activate approximately equal amounts of TCF-be
ta(1), and express equal amounts of TGF-beta receptors, are now used t
o compare the effects of TGF-beta(1) in modulating invasive behavior.
The U9 cell line exhibits autocrine-positive growth regulation in vitr
o by TCF-beta(1), whereas the HD3 cell line shows the opposite respons
e, autocrine-negative regulation. Blocking endogenous TGF-beta(1) with
isotype-specific antibody inhibited U9 cell growth because autocrine
TGF-beta(1) acts as a mitogen for U9 cells. In contrast, antibody to T
GF-beta(1) stimulated HD3 cell proliferation because autocrine TGF-bet
a(1) inhibits growth of these cells. U9 cells were 13-fold more invasi
ve in vitro through a collagen I layer than HD3 cells. In vitro invasi
on by U9 cells but not by HD3 cells was stimulated 2-fold by TCF-beta(
1), and U9 invasion was inhibited by antibody to TCF-beta(1). When inj
ected into athymic mice, U9 cells induced tumors 6-fold the size of th
ose induced by HD3 cells. Tumors induced by each cell line retained ex
pression of TCF-beta(1), in vivo, as shown by immunohistochemistry usi
ng isotype-specific antibody. Antibody to TCF-beta(1) inhibited the gr
owth of U9 cells in athymic mice 4-fold compared to control antibody,
demonstrating that autocrine TCF-beta(1) stimulated U9 cell growth in
vivo. Thus, the U9 cells with autocrine-positive growth regulation by
TGF-beta(1) were more tumorigenic in vivo and more invasive in vitro t
han HD3 cells with autocrine-negative regulation by TCF-beta(1). Diffe
rences in the induction of three immediate early genes were observed b
etween TGF-beta(1) growth-stimulated U9 cells and TGF-beta(1) growth-i
nhibited HD3 cells. Thirty min of TCF-beta(1) treatment stimulated exp
ression of c-fos approximately 50-fold in TGF-beta(1) growth-inhibited
HD3 cells, whereas only a 2-fold induction was observed in U9 cells.
A small increase (50%) in expression of c-jun was seen with TGF-beta(1
) treatment in HD3 cells, whereas expression of c-jun was inhibited in
U9. In contrast, c-myc was inhibited 3-5-fold by exogenous TCF-beta(1
) in both HD3 and U9 cells, suggesting a common role for c-myc in both
responses to TCF-beta(1).