H. Haapasalo et al., LONG-TERM UNILATERAL LOADING AND BONE-MINERAL DENSITY AND CONTENT IN FEMALE SQUASH PLAYERS, Calcified tissue international, 54(4), 1994, pp. 249-255
We examined 19 female Finnish national level squash players and 19 hea
lthy female controls with a dual energy x-ray absorptiometric (DXA) sc
anner for the determination of the association between long-term unila
teral activity and bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of the
upper extremities. In players, the BMDs and the BMCs were significant
ly higher in each bone site of the playing extremity. The side-to-side
difference was largest in the proximal humerus (BMD 15.6%, BMC 17.8%)
and smallest in the ulnar shaft (BMD 5.6%, BMC 7.3%). In sex-, age-,
weight-, and height-matched controls, the side-to-side differences wer
e significantly smaller, ranging from 1.6% to 4.1%. The number of trai
ning years and elbow flexion strength correlated positively with the r
elative BMD and BMC in the humerus of the playing arm (r = 0.632-0.685
). The starting age of training in turn correlated negatively (r = -0.
483 to -0.577) with these bone parameters. Significantly larger side-t
o-side differences (average 22%) were found in players who had started
their career before or during menarche than in those who had begun th
e training 1 year or more after the menarche (9%). These findings sugg
est that the bones of the playing extremity clearly benefit from activ
e squash playing. The benefit is largest in humerus and smaller in the
bone of the forearm. The benefit of playing is stronger if the athlet
e has started the training at or before menarche than after it. Thus,
physical activity seems to best enhance bone mineralization at childho
od and puberty, the time when the natural rapid increase in bone mass
also occurs.