The most highly conserved regions of proteins can be represented as ''
blocks'' of locally aligned sequence segments. Previously, an automate
d system was introduced to generate a database of blocks that is searc
hed for local similarities using a sequence query. Here, we describe a
method for searching this database that can also reveal significant g
lobal similarities. Local and global alignments are scored independent
ly, so they can be used in concert to infer homology. A set of 7082 di
verse sequences not represented in the database provided queries for t
esting this approach. The resulting distributions of scores led to gui
delines for interpretation of search data and to the classification of
289 uncatalogued sequences into known groups. Thirty-eight of these r
elationships appear to be new discoveries. We also show how searching
a database of blocks can be used to detect repeated domains and to fin
d distinct cross-family relationships that were missed in searches of
sequence databases. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.